Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One week in Dushanbe

Really, its only been a week?

So much has happened so far it seems like its been twice as long. I've been very busy with work and everything else, and have almost literally spent every moment I have at home sleeping. But I love it! Right now I'm part of a project that is helping a small and very motivated group of young people to learn English well enough to be accepted into an American law school. They are a really wonderful group, and their enthusiasm makes me want to work extra hard to assist them.

In other news, I moved into a new apartment yesterday! Its a great little place close to work and closer to the bazaar. Its really small, but that's perfect for me and the time I'll be spending there. All the appliances and fixtures are really new and clean and work well. The only problem I have with the place is that there is quite a lot of furniture for such a small place.

Now all I have to do is figure out those essential details such as: do I brush my teeth in the shower or in the kitchen sink? How can I position the couch so that it doesn't block me from opening the window? Where can I stash the giant stuffed gorilla that is sitting on the dresser?

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Home! We are so glad that things are going so well. Good luck with the new job and your time in Tajikistan! We love you and miss you!
    xxx ooo
