O my gosh, I almost forgot to announce my permanent site! I will be heading to, (drum-roll, please...) OSH OBLAST!
It is way down south and was one of the last places I was expecting to go, but I am super pumped. I am half way between Osh City and Jalal-Abad city, which is perfect. I will also be at a pretty big school, and will be the pioneer PCV there. It should be great. I am very excited. I get to visit for a week on May 18, so more on this later. In the meantime, more pictures of my present village's view of the mountains, the day at the orphanage, and site placement announcement day (the pictures below are from Istanbul, if you didn't know).
Hi Audra, We just read all your posts to date. You are having quite an experience - and your great desriptions really bring the experiences to life for us. You are doing some improtant work and we are so proud of you. We know your life is very busy, but keep writing when you get a chance. Love, Bill and Kathy